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student loan consolidation
You should also avoid credit repair clinics. student loan consolidation
Companies coast to coast appeal to consumers with poor credit histories,
promising to clean up credit reports for a fee. student loan consolidation
They don't deliver. student loan consolidation What's more, they
can't deliver: student loan consolidation They can't do anything for you
that you can't do for yourself. student loan consolidation After you pay
them hundreds-or even thousands-of dollars in up-front fees, they can do nothing
to improve your credit report. student loan consolidation Indeed, many
simply vanish with your money. student loan consolidation Only time and a
conscientious effort to repay your debts will improve your credit report. student loan consolidation
If you're thinking about getting help to stabilize your financial situation, be
· Find out what services the business provides and what it costs. student loan consolidation
· Don't rely on oral promises. student loan consolidation Get everything
in writing. student loan consolidation
· Check out any company with your local consumer protection office and the
Better Business Bureau in the company's location. student loan consolidation
They may be able to tell you whether other consumers have registered complaints
about the business. student loan consolidation